Many people, especially avid grilling enthusiasts, at the time, thought pellet grills were a fad. But right now, wood pellet grills are one of the hottest trends in the industry, offering users the pure aroma of wood smoke with the convenience of gas. But how? What else can you offer?
In this article, we introduce you to the principles of the pellet grills work. So if you’re new to pellet cooking or smoking and want to know how does a pellet grill work, we’re here to help.
What is a pellet grill?
Wood pellet grills are a type of grill that uses wood pellets for fuel. The pellets burn to heat the cavity and create a smoky flavor.
Wood pellets are small cylinders made from pressed sawdust, bark, and other hardwood by-products left over from trees felled to make paper or fiberboard.
Joe Treger invented the original pellet grill in the 1980s. The original patent allowed Traeger to dominate the pellet grill market, a position that continues to this day.
After the original patent expired in 2006, companies rushed into the pellet grill market. As sales continue to grow, even traditional gas grill and charcoal grill companies like Weber are getting into the game with SmokeFire pellet grills.
How does a pellet grill work?
Wood pellets are poured into a container called a funnel. Bullets are fed into the electric smoker by a rotating spiral. In the pot, a glowing stick ignites the pellets, causing them to burn, giving off heat and smoke.
The induction fan then supplies air to boost combustion. There is a heat baffle above the fire pit that distributes direct heat evenly throughout the grill and prevents food from burning. A drip tray is placed on top to drip fat and further dissipate heat.
Finally, the induction fan spreads the smoke and heat of the fire throughout the cooking chamber, cooking the food in convection mode.
Wood pellets for smoking
As mentioned earlier, most wood pellets are a byproduct of the wood processing industry. So, you not only get a great product for cooking but also help protect the environment.
There are many different types of wood pellets on the market, all of which burn slightly differently and can affect the smoky flavor of your food. You can expect to burn one to three pounds of pellets per hour of cooking.
Some popular types of wood pellets include cherry and apple. They also have varieties of pecan, mesquite, and oak. You can always mix and match, and some companies sell their own “mixes” for different flavor profiles.
If you want more details on different wood flavors, we’ve reviewed the best wood pellets for smoking.
Fan (to light the fire/cooking aid)
Thus, the auger feeds the fuel pellets to the combustion boiler. However, they also require sufficient air (especially oxygen) for efficient combustion.
However, the combustion fan/induction fan also plays an important role in improving the cooking and smoking efficiency of the pellet smoker/grill. The fan helps distribute the heat/smoke in the cooking chamber, which allows the food to cook/smoke more evenly.
The blower, like the auger, is automatically controlled through the control panel (you do not adjust the blower speed yourself). How a smoker/smart pellet grill fan works ultimately depends on the type of control panel installed, such as a screw motor.
Digital control
This is what makes most pellet grills so practical.
Just like an oven, set the desired temperature at which you want your food to cook at pellet smokers. Designs vary, but you usually have a digital temperature control where you simply dial in the temperature you want and then see the actual temperature measured on an LED or LCD display.
A touch sensor inside the pellet hopper controls the ambient temperature. If it is less than the set value, the digital controller will generate more pellets for combustion.
Hot rod burners and igniters (Light my fire!)
Obviously anyway, a nod to The Doors song makes it pretty clear that the pot allows the pellets and air to meet, and the hot rod igniter does that, and you’re on fire! Beautiful and simple. Well, yes, but the position of the burner in the grill/chimney can affect performance.
For example, is it in the center or outside the center? Also, is it stainless steel or carbon steel? Because if it’s just carbon steel, it won’t last forever. Also, the type of hot rod igniter used can be important. For example, some premium pellet grills now use ceramic igniters because they ignite faster and last longer.
Fire pot
At the end of its journey through the hopper, the slug drops the pellets into a small fire. Here, an electric igniter heats the pellets until they melt, creating heat and smoke.
On top of the fire pot, a baffle distributes the heat inside the pellet grills, eliminating virtually any hot spots. Fire pot also protects the pot from dripping while cooking, keeps fats and oils away from open flames, and prevents fires.
Control Panel (where the magic happens!)
Each pellet grill/smokehouse is equipped with a control panel. It provides the user with an easy way to turn the pellet smoker/grill on and off and adjust the temperature. The screw motor “controls” the hot rod fan and igniter.
However, how hot a grill can get (maximum temperature setting) and how accurately it can maintain that temperature ultimately depends on the control panel and how smart.
Well, with older/cheaper pellet grills, you’re usually limited to a maximum temperature of 450 degrees and a temperature accuracy of 25 degrees. However, with modern/more expensive pellet grills, you get a maximum temperature of over 500 degrees and a temperature accuracy of 5 degrees.
A chimney is either behind the cooking cavity or at the opposite end of the funnel.
The chimney allows the smoke to escape from the chamber and prevents excessive smoking. It also provides airflow and creates a “pull” that ensures the smoke passes over all the food before escaping.
As the heat leaves the chimney, it carries the stale smoke with it, preventing it from hanging around, and ensuring that only fresh smoke enters and flavors your food.
Pros and cons of a pellet grill
- Many cooking options include smoking, roasting, and grilling.
- Self-cooking of large quantities thanks to convection.
- Real wood smoke with minimal chance of smoking.
- Set-and-forget controls make smoking easy and affordable, with no training required for new users.
- Low smoke development at higher temperatures.
- Mechanically complex, with moving parts and digital controls that can fail over time.
- A suitable power source is required.
- It cannot be used in the rain.
- Frying is not possible without direct heat.
How to use a meat smoker
Pellet grills are easy to use with a little practice. There are a few simple things any aspiring Pete boss should keep in mind:
- Keep your pellet smoker clean. The great advantage of cooking with wood pellets is that they burn completely. Don’t negate this benefit by letting leftovers burn on your grill. After each bake, take some time to clean the hopper by cleaning the grates and removing unused pellets from the hopper.
- Use your temperature sensor. Many modern wood pellets come with a meat probe, but this can be one of the lowest-quality components of the entire machine. Buy a good quality digital thermometer and cook to your exact desired temperature.
- Create enough space for cooking. Even if you don’t want a smoker cluttering up your patio, make sure you find a smoker with a cooking surface large enough to cook your meat thoroughly. A good pellet grills work can range from just over 200 square inches to over 800 square inches, so consider your ambitions and make your choice accordingly. Ultimately, a slightly larger grill is better than one that is too small, but in some situations (such as a tailgate) a smaller oven is needed.
- Use the search box. Pellet smokers do not get as hot as traditional charcoal or gas grills. If you’re looking for a device that can do both pellet smoker and traditional roasting, consider a pellet grill that comes with an additional roasting box—essentially a small grill that’s much hotter than the smoker itself is.
What are the cons of a pellet grill?
Cons: You can’t use them everywhere.
Pellet grills, on the other hand, usually require an outlet to operate, so they are not portable. Moving them frequently can damage electrical components and are usually heavy. It is also worth noting that since they are powered, they are not intended for use in wet weather.
Can you just grill on a pellet grill?
Pellet grills use burning wood pellets and a fan system to heat food to a specific temperature, much like an outdoor convection oven. The pellet grill can be used for smoking, grilling, and even steaming food.
Do pellet grills require electricity?
Since electronics are used for functions such as digital control, pellet stoves require electricity to operate.
How does a pellet grill burn the pellets?
Wood pellets are poured into a container called a hopper. The pellets are then conveyed into the cooking chamber by an electrically operated auger. Combustion ignites the wood pellets and heats up the cooking compartment.
Can you grill burgers on a pellet grill?
One of the benefits of grilling on a wood pellet grill is that you can get the taste of wood on your grilled burgers. For smoked burgers, set the temperature to 225 degrees Fahrenheit or Smoke or Super Smoke depending on your grill for 25-30 minutes.
Combining many of the best features of a smoker and a grill, pellet grills offer great versatility when it comes to backyard cooking.
While they can’t quite replicate the burning power of a standard gas grill or charcoal grill, they can do just about everything else.
The best way to look at a wood pellet grill is as a handheld smoker with options, rather than a one-stop solution for all types of backyard cooking. Want to know how to slow cook tri-tip on gas grill, read our detailed article.
Hello! In my free time, I like to pamper my family with delicious grilled dinners. In addition, friends often gather with us and a grilled steak is what you need for pleasant company!
I have been working as a salesman in a grill and accessories store for several years. I know all about grills and smokers. My friends and acquaintances always consult with me before buying a new grill. I am a master at this with vast experience!
Recently I was advised to start my own blog and I decided to do it. I hope to be useful to you!